It's Blue Turn
We are a group of dedicated volunteers who started to meet weekly in Mountain View in 2019 to increase the Democratic voter turnout. We have now written over 430,00 letters and postcards, to register and turn out Democratic voters, to re-register voters of color who may have been purged from the voter rolls, as well as to support specific candidate campaigns for US Senate, state legislatures, and others, including over 49,000 so far for 2024 election cycle. We've also phone & text banked. We are now continuing the work to safeguard our democracy both remotely and in-person. See our current plan & current campaigns!
2. Write
With us: Contact-Free Pick-Up in Mountain View of various letter- and postcard-writing campaigns
Independently: » Geri's List of All
4. Connect
ItsBlueTurn weekly "party" to write to voters, update on the news, share ideas, and chat.
Who am I? I'm just a regular person, like you! I'm worried about the future of the country and feel the responsibility to show to my boys that I'm not just an indifferent observer, to teach them civic duty. Currently a homeschooling teacher and education software developer, previously startup-building jack-of-all-trades with classical liberal arts education, math & computer science, artificial intelligence, and MBA background. I was born in the Soviet Union and came to the US as a refugee.
What organization are you part of? I belong to, participate in, and subscribe to multiple groups: Sister District, Indivisible, Swing Left, Activate America (formerly Flip the West), Reclaim Our Vote, and others that are working to protect democracy in this country. I research and pull those activities for our group that I consider the best return for the effort or important. See our current plan.