Plan To Win In 2025
The focus of this group has primarily been on voting and elections, preserving and driving electoral change. We will continue to do what we have been good at doing: registering and contacting voters by postcards and letters. Despite the heartbreaking losses, all the research I've seen says that it works (as part of a larger program of messaging, persuasion, calling, and fundraising, of course!). We'll, of course, be working on special elections (the House, for example, is so close that we have a real chance of flipping it even before 2026: people die, retire, go to jail, etc). More generally, in 2025 election cycle, we are working on the gubernatorial and legislative elections in NJ and VA, as well as Supreme Court elections in WI and PA. We have also started to set the stage for winning the House in 2026.
We have also started to work on various actions related to preserving ability to make electoral change. This involves educating the public on the harm being done, especially in key states, collaborating with other local groups to take direct action, training on the best organizing and outreach methods, and more. We have monthly organizing meetings and more frequent events.
I will keep you posted!
Updated Mar.29, 2025.
Updated Jan.22, 2025.
Created Dec.2, 2024.